OmniFY Additional Charges

by Omni Logic Solutions

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OmniFY Additional Charges add additional charges to Sales and Purchase Orders

OmniFY Additional Charges for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Designed to add Additional Charges to Purchase and Sales Orders such as ECO Fees or any other Surcharges.

Why use OmniFY Additional Charges

Eliminate manual line entry of Additional Charges and save time.

Start a 30 day trial and test OmniFY Additional Charges built-in to your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Solution and you can choose to subscribe after you are satisfied with the features and functionality.

Benefits of using OmniFY Additional Charges

  1. Define Multiple Fees/Charges on Sales and Purchase Transaction
  2. No more manual entry, calculate charges with one click
  3. It is available to print on Orders/Invoices (report customization required)
  4. Create Charges based on Groups or Individual Items
  5. Charges can be calculated as % or Amount based on Item Price/Cost

Simple Setup with the following steps:

  1. Install OmniFY Additional Charges
  2. Complete the Setup
  3. Add Additional Charges Details as per requirement
  4. Ready Set Go !!!

Install today and start saving time and add the hours back your day !!!

Supported Editions :

  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Premium

Supported Countries

Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States

Supported Languages

  • English

If you have any questions or need assistance with setup please do not hesitate to Contact Us

Note : Subscription Required for or

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